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What we do

Brokering private business sales in Malta and Gozo

Get offers for your business in Malta or Gozo. Our team of experienced advisers will guide you through the steps towards a successful sale, in complete confidentiality and safety.

Managing Director, Gillian Clarke.

Who we are

Welcome to, your premier destination for business brokerage services in Malta and Gozo. With a proven track record in facilitating successful business sales, we specialize in connecting sellers with the right buyers to ensure a smooth and beneficial transition. Our expertise spans across various industries, making us the go-to platform for business owners looking to sell their enterprises in Malta and Gozo.

Sell your business in utter confidentiality.

We know that Malta is a small place! All prospects we reach out to will sign a NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) guaranteeing the secrecy of the sale process and preventing them from sharing any confidential information or soliciting your employees, directors and contractors.

Reach out to one of our consultants

Start your business sale journey with a confidential consultation. Our experienced consultants will guide you through the process, answering your questions and addressing your concerns. All your data will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

We value the business with you

Our valuation experts will work closely with you to assess the true value of your business. We consider financial performance, market position, growth potential, and more to ensure a fair and accurate valuation.

We present your business to interested parties

Leveraging our extensive network in Malta and Gozo, as well as internationally, we present your business in the best light. Our marketing and communications specialists create compelling presentations that highlight the unique strengths and opportunities of your business.

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